Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Company

NOTICE - The Wildwood Crest Fire Company DOES NOT make telephone solicitations at any time.  If you receive a phone call from an agency requesting money, it WILL NOT benefit the Wildwood Crest Fire Company.

- the biggest fund-raiser of the year.  
A letter requesting donations is sent to every property owner in the Borough during
the month of June. An addressed return envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

If you do not receive our letter and would like to make a donation, it may be mailed
to the Wildwood Crest Vol. Fire Co. No. 1, 7100 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260


- All members sell raffle tickets from June to September.  The drawing is held on the Monday after Labor Day.
A total of 500 tickets are sold at $100.00 each.

  • First Prize is $20,000.00 (or 40% of the receipts)
  • Ten (10) Consolation Prizes of $ 500.00 each (or 1% each of the receipts)

The drawing is held at the firehouse, 7100 Pacific Avenue, at 7:00 pm
Winners need not be present to win
Tickets are available from any member beginning in mid-June
No more than 500 tickets are sold on a first-come, first served basis
  This year's Drawing will be held on Monday, September 8, 2008 - THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!!

BREAKFAST - Two Pancake Breakfasts are held each year - one in the spring and one in the fall - on Sunday mornings from 8:00 am
to 1:00 pm.  Presented by the WCFD Auxiliary.

- a family-style dinner is presented by the firemen and ladies auxiliary members each year, usually during the late winter or early spring - check the Calendar of Events for date and time.

- The Ladies Auxiliary holds a cheesecake sale at various times during the year; orders are taken by auxiliary members for 4-5 weeks in advance of a posted pickup date.

- The Ladies Auxiliary holds a hoagie sale in the spring on a Saturday morning; hoagies may be pre-ordered or picked up at the hall.

NOTICE: The Wildwood Crest Fire Company DOES NOT make telephone solicitations at any time!  If you receive a phone call from an agency requesting money, it WILL NOT benefit the Wildwood Crest Fire Company!